A new patent application has revealed an unannounced Samsung’s augmented reality headset.The headset will have two screens one in each lens.

The augmented  headset would be Samsung’s first try into  reality VR.Samsung hasn’t released a new VR headset since 2017, its smartphones and its latest flagship, the Note 10, is the first phone that is not compatible with the hardware.

Samsung is not the only company that is working on an augmented reality headset, according to reports Apple will launch its Augmented reality headset next year.

The patent was filed on February 1, 2019, the design patent was made available for public in South Korea a few days ago, it features a variety of details, illustrations and  3D render of the proposed device, magnetic tracking system from Samsung will be a big move towards Samsung Gear VR.

One of the images shows a cable running through the AR glasses’s right. However, it's unknown whether this cable is a charging cable, or if the headset will require a wired connection to the device in order to work.Will Samsung launch AR glasses in future, we are not sure about this but ithings have been  quiet over the last  few year in related to the virtual reality GEAR VR. Lets See when it will be launched in the market.

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