Fitbit has  Officially revealed  the fitbit Flow a ventilator, it is approved by  FDA  for use during the COVID-19 pandemic, it can only be used during the current health crisis. 

The company said, it’s can be used as an alternative when expensive devices are not available.However, the ventilator has required regulatory approval for use during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Flow is designed to work as resuscitator bags, it also features additional sensors and alarms to monitor patients. The company consulted with medical staff to develop the ventilator. Fitbit’s CEO and co-founder James Park said that We saw an opportunity to expertise in advanced sensor, manufacturing and our global supply chain to manage the critical need for ventilators.
COVID-19 has challenged us to push the boundaries of innovation and creativity,  to  develop products that help patients.

Fitbit isn’t the only company that is manufacturing ventilators to help the situation, . NASA and Dyson both are developing their own ventilators, NASA prototype has been  given the clearance.
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