Effect of lockdown on climate change

The covid-19 is helping our planet to get heal.we have observed  some amazing changes in environment

human  beings are largely dependent on nature,and often forgets to take care of it. We have been so reluctant to the preservation of natural resources and sustainable development that we had forgotten the beauty of the Earth completely.
It has made us see that our actions can very well impact the Earth’s sustainability. Here are some important changes that we have seen during this lockdown . 

Improvement in air quality 

New Delhi is ranked as the most polluted city in the world,The usual air quality of Delhi according to the air quality index used to be 200. Many times the pollution level soared to 900 and even above 900.
Due to lockdown there is no traffic in the capital,which is helping to reduce the air quality,as traffic is one of the main reason behind air pollution in delhi.AQI levels have regularly fallen below 20. 

Change in Temperature 

the aerosol concentration has gone down over North India bringing clear skies.Aerosols are particles in the atmosphere around which water droplets tend to condense and form clouds.these particles also absorb and reflect the sunlight in the atmosphere depending on composition. So yeah we can say due to lockdown temperature in north India has become moderate,usually pollution and other factors plays vital role in increasing the temperature.

Clean rivers

The quality of water increases with the increase in the DO levels.Due to complete reduction of industrial pollutants in river; the self purification capacity of the river has improved considerably
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18 May 2020 at 08:52 ×

Exactly our world is healing day by day!

Congrats bro Unknown you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...