What Is Signal and Why Are People Switching WhatsApp?

Signal is an encrypted app that send messages and make calls via the Internet, It supports group chats and group video calls too and is open source, it became popular after Elon Musk tweeted “use signal “, means he insisted his followers to use signal, the tweet was posted after the whatsapp new privacy policy update. Signal was created by Moxie Marlinspike, who is an American cryptographer. The app was developed by the Signal Foundation and Signal Messenger. Signal Foundation was founded by Brian Acton on January 10, 2018. Signal Technology Foundation is the non-profit Foundation . Its resolution is to develop open source privacy technology that protects free expression and enables secure global communication In terms of privacy Signal is far better than WhatsApp, The most important part of any messaging app is the number of people using it,If your entire social circle is on WhatsApp, then no amount of features can make Signal more appealing.
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